Domain entries
Dynamic Domain Name System[wiki_domain_1]
The bwCloud does not offer DDNS. However, the use of a DDNS extends the functionalities of the bwCloud. This is shown by red components in the figure below. A DDNS is particularly useful if a user (1) repeatedly deletes/creates instances and (2) wants to access them under the same FQDN.

- The instance my1VM is created with the IP my1IP and UUID my1UUID. The instance has information from the user on how to store their IP my1IP for myFQDN. The FQDN myFQDN now points to the IP address of the instance my1VM.
- After deleting an instance, the myFQDN continues to point to the IP address my1IP.
- A newly created instance my2VM registers its IP address my2IP for the FQDN myFQDN with the DDNS. The FQDN myFQDN now points to the IP address of the instance my2VM.